Gaura Agarwal, Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad
As it has been said that if you are a believer of God and you wish to go to the temple than no one has the right to stop you same way women are also allowed to go to the temple if they wants to go no one can stop them from praying in the temple. But in some parts of the country India women are not require to go to the temple to worship. Question is being raised by the supreme court to such states government like Kerala where women has been précised and are not allowed to go to the Kerala temple. Supreme Court asked the government of the Kerala why women are stopped from entering into the place of worship and why they are not allowed to go to the temple. According to the section 25 of the Indian Constitution all the Citizens have been given the right to practice, precise and participate in the religious activity performed in the temples and are allowed to worship in the temple. But in some states of the Country these rights have been infringed and the women have been restricted to enter into the temples and perform the ritual riots.
Some states where women have not been surprised because they have been always told that what has been coming from past will be going in the upcoming time as well. The women made to believe in this because of which some women don’t raise their voice against this wrong happening to them. But nowadays every woman should raises up their voice and fight for their rights as these rights are guaranteed by our Indian Constitution. And more often the women should not be restricted to go to the temple. As law provided today there has been the not very strict law for the protection of the law of the women to safeguard their rights. There has been always the rights to women is not given the importance because of which it has always been set back. The rights of the women should not be violated and people should make aware them about the rights guaranteed to them by the Indian Constitution and also the way they are to be followed. This research will be dealing about the rights of women and how women are not needed to be restricted to enter to the temple.