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Understanding The Constitution Of India Through Constituent Assembly Debates, Amendments, And Judgments

Rudraksh Singh Sisodia, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab

Mimansa Joshi, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab


Law plays an important part in the life of every person who is part of a civilized society. It not only helps in the regulation of law and order in society but also helps in guiding a society towards more morality, freedom, liberty, and mannered structure. It helps in the proper administration, without which society will fall into chaos as human beings need rules and regulations to conduct themselves. They need restrictions, rights, and reason to live in a civilized society. We can understand it by the social contract theory of Thomas Hobbs where he said that people lived in a state of war with threats to their lives as there were no laws to govern them, when they with the help of reason made or drafted laws for them they transformed from a state of war to an civilized and orderly society. Hence the importance of law.

Law neither came into existence nor developed in isolation, but was constantly affected by various social, economic, and political events taking place at that time. Law is the mirror of society and is affected by events in the society and turn affects the society. Due to all these reasons, knowing what factors influenced them and how they came to be in their present form as perceived by the public in general today is important. There are many sources of law, two of which are parliamentary debates and case laws.

The Constitution of India is the supreme legal document of the country and hence of utmost importance but that too came into being after a series of debates that took place in the constituent assembly of India. After it came into being there were many amendments and judgements which changed its structure.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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