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Trademark Protection In The Digital Age; Domain Name

Pooja Nair PR, LLM (Corporate and Commercial Law), Christ (Deemed To Be) University Bangalore


This paper is dealing about the Trademark protection in digital age in the matter of Domain name. India is the 8th largest market for eCommerce with a predicted revenue of US$71,292.1 million by 2023 and India Poised to Be 2nd-Largest E-Shopper Base Globally, E-Retail to Hit $170 billion By 2027. This paper is talking about issues raised by the trademark holders in online and it gives a brief about cybersquatting which referred to as domain squatting, Counterfeiting refers to the practise of making fake copies of a commodity, documentation, or currencies without permission of the original owner or consent from the appropriate authority, Typosquattting refers to a person who registers with common typos of the company’s domain name, Cyber Twin refers to issues raised between domain name holder and the person who have the right to claim over the domain name, Domain Name Warehousing refers to the person who is holding expired domain name. The paper will focus on the remedies which are available under Indian laws Trademark act, 1999 and it further divided into civil remedies and criminal remedies. It further focuses on strategic goals of WIPO and ICANN. This paper describes the digital protection in long run along with the case studies which are related to the importance of digital protection.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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