Pourna Vijay, Practicing Lawyer
The fundamental objectives of the WTO is to promote multilateral free trade to integrate and prosper world economy by bridging the economic disparities between states. Poverty alleviation, Environment protection and sustainable development etc, are also form pivotal goals of the institution. The WTO Dispute Settlement Process in turn intends to. Now, if we analyse the WTO system, the Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU) and the Working Procedure Rules have laid down the aspects of dispute settlement so comprehensively. In fact, the WTO system has resulted in the greater legalisation of International Trade environment. Here the researcher focuses particularly on the impact of Dispute settlement system on developing states. Developing economies account for 53% of total members of WTO1. As hinted in the DSU and other covered agreements, uplifting the developing countries and protecting their interest is a touted goal of WTO system. In fact, special leverages or flexibilities are offered to such member through Special and Differential Treatment. But,it is often contended that, despite such conducive provisions, developing countries have not accrued any great benefits from the WTO dispute settlement mechanism, the DSB is largely inclined towards the developed members. Thus, the researcher intends to find underlying reasons and possible solutions to improve the plight of developing countries.