Abhijeet Gaurav Jha, LL.M, MIT-World Peace University, Pune
The Whistleblowers Protection Act, 2014, has been enacted to protect the whistleblowers in India to help discharging corporate governance effectively. This study critically assesses the performance of the said Act regarding achieving its objectives. Success stories, cases reported, and challenges have been evaluated to identify strengths and weaknesses in the legislation. Comparative analysis with international laws and other corporate governance mechanisms provides insights into areas for improvement. Case studies of landmark whistleblowing incidents in Indian companies bring into sharp focus the salience of the whistleblower as agents of governance exposure. Such amendments, best practice recommendations, and regulatory improvements have been proposed to make whistleblower protection stronger. This paper contributes to the debate on corporate governance and the protection of whistleblowers, with recommendations to put in place strong mechanisms for inculcating transparency and accountability.
Keywords: Whistleblowers Protection Act, corporate governance, whistleblower protection, India, transparency, accountability