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The Study On Man Power And Financial Planning Selection And Appointment Of Judges In India

Metha K.M., Dr. Ambedkar Law University (School of Excellence in Law), Chennai


Manpower and financial management are crucial components in the selection and appointment of judges in India, directly influencing the judiciary's efficiency and independence. This process requires careful planning to address the growing backlog of cases, ensure adequate judicial manpower, and maintain a fair and transparent appointment system. Equally important is the optimal allocation and utilization of financial resources to support judicial infrastructure and administrative operations. This paper delves into the challenges posed by delays, inadequate resource allocation, and procedural inefficiencies in judicial appointments. It also highlights the role of modern technology, transparent processes, and effective budgeting in improving the system. By adopting a holistic approach that balances judicial independence with accountability and resource efficiency, the Indian judiciary can ensure the delivery of timely and fair justice while upholding its democratic principles.

The paper highlights the need for reforms to address systemic issues while preserving the judiciary's independence. By adopting a balanced approach that prioritizes transparency, efficiency, and accountability, India can enhance the effectiveness of its judicial appointment process. The findings suggest that a well-managed framework for manpower and financial resources is crucial for building a robust judiciary capable of upholding democratic values and ensuring justice for all.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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