Priya Rathore, BBA.LLB, The Northcap University, Gurugram
Offences in both the social and economic spheres have a negative effect on society as a whole. These offences lack mens rea, unlike traditional crimes, but they still have serious social and financial repercussions. Instead of singular instances, they generally target people who are motivated by a need for specific products or services. As a result, a new category of crime known as social economic crime emerges, drawing participants from the upper and middle classes while they are still in employment.
This article examines how punishment, including its justification and application within a kingdom, might be used to characterise civilization. It emphasises the importance of a valid and justified punishment tool in particular. The article's main topic is sentence policy, which is an important link between our nation's legislative, judicial, and criminal justice systems. The essay emphasises the significance of building a more united and improved society by looking at India's sentencing practises in the area of social financial crimes.