Sankalp Varma, O.P. Jindal Global University
This paper will be focusing upon the validity of standard form contracts. It will be analyzing the presence of free consent under standard form contracts and will also make an earnest attempt at understanding the problems faced by the ordinary daily consumers who are contracted in standard form on a regular basis. It will not only acknowledge the importance of such contracts in the swiftly growing modern world but also objectively attempt at critiquing standard form contracts in its current state. Having said that, this paper consists of three main parts, firstly, the history and origin of standard form contracts and its interpretation under the Indian legal jurisprudence. Secondly, understanding the need for and importance of such contracts in the first place. And lastly, analyzing the consent problem and the problem of comprehensibility of such contracts along with proposed solutions to the same. This paper will hope to present to its readers awareness around the most commonly used form of contracts and hopes to objectively analyze the problem of consent within such contracts.