Aastha Pareek, Mody University of Science and Technology
The juvenile justice system is the most reforming and enlightening system introduced and adopted by the people of the world. Many a times discussions on a broad level is done on the topic. The concept of juvenile justice was led by Great Britain in mid-19th century when the court obtained the power to intervene in children's cases to ensure their protection. It was introduced into India under the British regime. Previously, children were treated either by their families or by society in general. Later, a change was made and that change was crueler and more harassing for children. They were treated in the same way as hardened criminals and put in prison with them, which generally stopped their growth in general and were becoming more ill-minded.
Later, this problem was further highlighted and the Indian Constitution made some amendments and passed laws for juvenile offenders.
The first juvenile court was founded in Chicago in 1899 and later, this concept was also adopted by other countries as well.