The Effectiveness Of The New Prevention Of Money Laundering (Amendment) Act, 2021 In Curbing Money Laundering In India
Shivansh Sourav, Bharati Vidyapeeth New Law College, Pune
Money laundering addresses an enormous risk to the reliability of financial structures and the trustworthiness of economies all over the planet. In India, the prevention of Money laundering Act (PMLA) has been a crucial regulative instrument in doing combating this wrongdoing. In 2021, the Exhibition went through a basic change, highlighted strengthening the ongoing design and updating the suitability of threatening to money laundering measures. This research paper fundamentally analyzes the plans of the provisions of Money laundering (Amendment) Act, 2021, and studies its impact on controlling unlawful expense evasion in India.
The survey draws upon an expansive review of significant composition, genuine examination, and careful evidence to evaluate the suitability of the new guideline. The revelations show both positive developments and anticipated locales for advancement, highlighting the meaning of nonstop undertakings to fight money laundering in the Indian setting.