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Tanneries Regulation in India: An Overview

Gangadarsana P G

Gangadarsana P G, Amity University, Noida


The tanning industry is one of the most important industries responsible for contributing environmental pollution. In India, tannery is an pollution-intensive as well as labour-intensive exposition. Harmful effects from the tanning industry to environment, that is the working labour in tanneries, people residing around the tannery industries or aside the river banks where untreated tannery waste is dumped, water bodies, land-soil are enormous. Laws prohibiting and preventing tanneries pollution are time by time reviewed and amended to curb the menace of environmental pollution. A sheer judicial approach into the regulation of tanneries is also undertaken by the Apex courts to minimize damage to the environment and people by laying principles and regulations to be followed by the Government, Tannery establishments etc. As we are marching towards eliminating pollution, developing cleaner technologies, safeguarding environment, this article sheds light on the tanneries regulation via various legislations, judicial approaches and also presents the need, possibilities of regulating tanneries and its functioning in India.

Keywords: tanneries, pollution, regulation, judicial approach.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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