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Study On Dumping Of Pharmaceutical Products In Indian Market - With Special Reference To Ofloxacin

Advocate V. Divya, BA. LLB (Hons), M. L


In the last 50 yrs, the Indian pharmaceutical industry has gone through a radical change from a low - key beginning of process patents rights in the 1970’s to a latest and WTO occurring together regime under the TRIP’s agreement in the year 2005. In the last two decades India has gone through important and dynamic trade and industrial policy liberalisation. which leaded to a basic change in the domestic industries. which also resulted in the fast growth in the pharmaceutical sector in India. right now the scenario is that dumping of pharmaceutical products is considered an important issue. People have started to buy the medicine depending on brand name and not the description of the medicine. dumping occurs only in places where there is imperfect competition and the markets are arranged in a way such that the domestic residents cannot easily purchase goods intended for export. To avoid this dumping the Anti dumping measures and duties were initiated with the idea to invalidate the impact of the market distortions created due to unfair trade practises adopted. Even though dumping does not benefit the importing country in short run but it will affect the domestic producers whose products cannot compete with the artificially low prices imposed by the exported goods. as a method of protection to the domestic industries, anti dumping measures are imposed on the exporting countries which has accused of dumping goods in another country. Like the pharmaceutical products dumped in India. and also special reference on the case of Ofloxacin drug has been studied. The study has taken survey with 1292 respondents. The study has used convenience sampling method, correlation table and chi square tests.

Keywords: pharmaceutical, patent, liberalisation, dumping, anti-dumping


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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