Shubhra Satpathy & Abhishek Nair, KIIT School of Law, Bhubaneswar
Natural justice refers to the baseline criteria or principles that administrative agencies should follow when making decisions that have civil implications. There are primarily two Natural Justice Principles that Every governing body must adhere to, whichever is expressly stated in applicable rules or acts.
Fairness, reasonableness, a decent conscience, equity, and equality are all promises made by the word "natural justice."
Natural justice is a factual name for the 'Nemo judex in causa sua' rule against bias and the 'Audi alteram partem' right to a fair hearing, which is significantly expanded to the 'obligation to act in a fair manner.'
Natural justice is an important concept in administrative law. The core of any nation's public administration is natural justice ideals and basic procedural requirements. Natural Justice Principles are not a novel concept or idea, nor is their implementation in the legal system. It's existed since at least beginning of the law system. Natural justice is a type of English legal system that includes a fairness procedural requirement. It is an important concept in administrative law.
Finally, the paper concludes with a critical examination and conclusion. Several journals, books, and articles were consulted and considered throughout the writing of this research work.