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Study Of Domestic Violence Of Men & Women In India

Ashish Kumar Daga, BBA LLB, Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad


Domestic violence is a pervasive and complex issue that affects individuals from all backgrounds and genders. While women are disproportionately affected, recent studies have shown that men can also be victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence against men can include physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, but societal perceptions have made it challenging for male victims to come forward and seek help. It is crucial to create a safe space for men to discuss their experiences and provide support and


Domestic violence against women is a significant problem worldwide, with higher rates of physical violence, sexual assault, and severe injuries. Women are also more likely to experience psychological abuse, such as threats, verbal abuse, and isolation. Domestic violence against women can have far- reaching consequences, affecting not only the victim but also their children and their communities. It is crucial to address and prevent domestic violence against women through education, support, and resources.

The prevalence and causes of domestic violence against men and women are complex and varied. Some of the factors that contribute to domestic violence include a history of abuse, mental health issues, substance abuse, and cultural and societal attitudes that condone violence. It is essential to understand and address these underlying factors to prevent and end domestic violence.

Preventing and ending domestic violence requires a collaborative effort from individuals, communities, and governments. Providing education and support for victims and promoting healthy relationships can help prevent domestic violence. Governments can play a significant role in preventing domestic violence by implementing laws and policies that hold abusers accountable for their actions.

In conclusion, domestic violence against men and women is a pervasive problem that requires our collective attention and action. Providing support, resources, and education for victims, and promoting healthy relationships can help prevent and end domestic violence. It is essential to create a safe space for male victims to come forward and seek help and to hold abusers accountable for their actions. With a collaborative effort, we can create a society where domestic violence is not tolerated, and everyone can live in safety and peace.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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