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Shadows Of Trafficking: Understanding The Present-Day Realities Of Human Trafficking Victims

Pringle Singh, Amity University


“It is not my purpose to just create a ruckus, my attempt is that the appearance should change. If not in my heart then maybe in your heart, the fire anywhere but the fire of change should light.”

In the era of 21st century where modernization is prevailing in the world where mainly transfer of technology is done there also exists a small sector of human community, whose sale is not bound to just technology but of human beings. These people in the lure of earning money sell human beings for various purposes and among those purpose the most prevalent purpose is selling women for the purpose of prostitution.

In our country where around 1.4 Billion people are there and among this vast population the illiterate population is greater than the literate population leading to the non-reporting of the cases of missing girls due the societal status pressure where the questions are raised on the character of the girl herself and according to statistics most of the missing girls are pushed into the business of prostitution by the pimps. Numerous girls are bought and sold in this market where they are considered as goods for the trader and for the buyer and have lost the status of being a human itself. Since this sort of crimes are not reported, general public are not usually aware about the vastness of this business but on a certain level they are all aware about the dangers of it.

This paper will focus on the Trafficking done for prostitution purpose, what are their rights that needs to be protected by law, this paper will involve case studies of the victims. This paper is a voice for such people who have suffered this fate and are unheard by the society.

Keywords: Human Trafficking, Prostitution, Women


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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