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Second Wave of Covid-19: A Failure of Government?

Jasbir Singh Malik

Jasbir Singh Malik, Advocate Supreme Court of India (Former. Additional Advocate General State of Rajasthan)


India is fighting its battle against the coronavirus since last year and the battle is still on. It looks as if nothing has changed, although the cases of coronavirus decreased to around 14000 a few months back. But the scenario is at its worst in the second wave of Covid 19. People are begging for help amid a shortage of oxygen and the unavailability of beds in the hospital. One thing is constant unlike the rising number of covid cases and that is the blame-shifting by officials. They are living in denial that there is no shortage of oxygen or beds even it is evident that beds and oxygen are scarce. The expenditure on health by the government has always been extremely low and we are witnessing the results today. The people of this country has always relied on the private sector because of the unreliability of the government in need. Indians look forward to savings or personal networks when they need help and they are doing the same in this situation as well. Raising funds, asking for help from Facebook, friends or family is commonly seen nowadays. The private sector has always been a great source of help in this pandemic but the government authorities instead of supplementing can't even supply enough oxygen. But we need to pause for a second and analyse before shifting all the blame to the Indian Government that isn't the current situation our fault? In this article, we will be thoroughly analyzing that how we all are responsible for this current situation and how this second wave is a result of the inability of a human to resist his desires and how it elevated with the incompetence of the Indian Government to tackle this situation.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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