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Rise From The Ashes Of The War – The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights And Its Imprints On Indian Legal System

Aabid Manzoor, Former Student Department of law, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi

Dawood Amin, Lecturer at Kashmir Creative Education Foundation (KCEF), Law College Pulwama


The Declaration of Human Rights set forth the fundamental idea of acknowledgement and admiration of human rights enunciated therein by all citizens of the world. The preamble of declaration laid the foundation of the common standards of achievement which were to be achieved under the aegis of the UDHR. Since the inception of UDHR in 1948 the world has undergone manyfold changes. These changes include the globalization, rise of non-state actors at the international level, advent of internet, rise and fall of states in terms of their importance among many others which in a way provided new ways by which these rights should be understood in the changed context. These changed circumstances posted certain risks to the rights enunciated therein which are required to be answered. Among these include the questions relating to the Right to Education, Rights including women and children, Right to freedom of Religion, Right to Privacy and security. The present paper tries to furnish answers to some of these questions.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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