Vaibhav Kartikeya Agrawal, Advocate
Preamble to the Constitution of India envisions and constitutes India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC. A socialist republic is a welfare country. There are directives in Part IV of the Constitution which specifically empower the States to legislate and execute for effective administration which contributes in uplifting the standard of life of a common man. There are various types of information which form part of public record and private or Government record. Some of these information/s are biographical data, economic and social status of the citizens whereas some of them are a part of record of monetary transactions either within or outside the country that relates to movable or immovable assets. These assets belong to individuals or joint family, corporate institutions, partnership firms, cooperative societies and business organisations. These records are significant for every future transaction that concerns application for permission to repair, transfer, ownership or sell, lease, etc. of the immovable asset(s), registration of such asset and for resolution of disputes related to easementary rights. These records form part of public documents under section 74 of the Indian Evidence Act 1872 and are admissible in evidence.
This paper deals with the history of recognition of "right to Information" in the country of its origin, the international instruments asserting this right and the evolution of this right in India. Also, the mechanism of working of the authorities on Right to Information and the role of Right to information in curbing corruption is dealt with.