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Right To Equality And Right To Property Of Women In India

Govind Arora, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun


In everyday sense, everyone here is fit for understanding Article 14 of the Indian Constitution for example "Right to Equality". Indeed, even following 73 years of freedom, our nation can't acquire genuine autonomy. Disasters like separation are as yet winning in our country. Indeed, even the person who made our Constitution experienced this utter horror. Indeed, even presently there are a few spots where individuals are not treated similarly and they are segregated on various premise like religion, race, sex, standing, spot of beginning, and so on.

By knowing the situation of India our Constitution-creators added Article 14 in Indian Constitution as the key right to residents as well as the people who are not a resident of our domain.

The fundamental motivation behind composing this article is to achieve clearness Article 14. At the point when we see a spouse abusing his significant other, a young lady who can't finish her schooling because of family pressure, a lower position man being shown second rate compared to upper standing individuals. These are instances of separation. Here we can see how significant the job of the state is to keep up with the fairness of residents.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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