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Restricting Freedom Of Speech: An Overarching Threat?

Aarathi Nair K & Varinder Kaur, Assistant Professor, School of Law, Lovely Professional University


There are no solid rights without the right to free expression. Free speech is a fundamental right that must be safeguarded in order for all other rights to be safeguarded. Student freedom of expression is required for societal freedom of expression to exist. Without appreciating and safeguarding free expression for kids, civic democracy may be jeopardised. Schools must serve as vital nurseries for our democracy, as well as role models for appropriate behaviours such as exercising one's right to free expression. We can't expect pupils to grow up to be people capable of practising and defending democratic values after spending the majority of their waking hours in locations where they don't have genuine rights to free expression. Students who learn to use their right to free speech in school grow up to be people who are ready to use it in civic democracy.

Keywords: Free speech, Civic Democracy, Students Voice, Freedom of Expression


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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