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Restitution Of Conjugal Rights And Wife’s Right To Employment: A Critique

Dhruv Dev Gupta & Shivansh Bhatt, Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad


The article is summary of a legal debate which is going between a wife’s right to work and her marital duty to live her matrimonial home. As we know that marriage is bond between two parties and its necessary implication is that both the parties live marital cohabitation. The basic meaning of restitution of conjugal rights is that either of the spouse can use his/her right to restore his/her living with each other by the order or decree of the court of law. In today’s world the has been a lot of debate on this topic and there are a lot of women who are working and actually doing very well, then why shouldn’t the wife be allowed to work. In most of the conservative families it is seen that it is always the responsibility of the husband to work and the wife should look after the children. After solemnization of marriage the husband and wife become conjugal to each other’s society. There has been a lot of controversy about this topic as to its legal validity in recent times. This article will focusing on the interpretation and validity of this section and will provide suggestion for the same.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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