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Relevance Of Protection Of The Environment In Relation To Article 21 Of The Constitution

Writer: IJLLR JournalIJLLR Journal

Gaurav Purohit, BBA LLB (H), Amity University, Rajasthan & Yuvraj Singh Rathore, BA LLB (H), Amity University, Rajasthan


Environment and life are connected. The existence of life on Earth depends on a harmonious relationship between ecosystems and the environment. Homo sapiens, in particular, have a very close relationship with nature. Humans are at the center of efforts towards sustainable development and have the right to live a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature. It is important to recognize that we are dependent on the earth's natural resources. There are various Natural resources such as air, water etc are fundamental to all forms of life. They are the basis of our survival, much more than money and economic infrastructure For large numbers of people, especially communities.

Article 21 of the Indian Constitution states that "No one shall be deprived of life or personal liberty except in accordance with procedures established by law." Article 21 lies at the heart of all other fundamental rights. Article 21 has tremendous scope and immense content that can be expressed in fewer words. Law never stands still and is constantly evolving and changing to meet the challenges of the times. As a result, constitutional provisions, especially the fundamental rights, especially Article 21, have been widely interpreted by the judiciary.

This Article will be covering basic analysis of Constitution in relation to Environment Protection, Role of courts in interpreting the environment, landmark case laws on Environment Protection.

Keywords: Article 21, Sustainable Development, Judiciary, Right To Life, Environment Protection


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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