Divyansh Singh and Zaier Ahmad, National Law Institute University, Bhopal
The paper elaborates upon the two investment instruments – REITs and InvITs. Firstly, the REITs are elaborated upon, their origin, objectives, structure, procedure of delisting of companies as a REIT and advantages and disadvantages of investing in an REIT are discussed. Similarly, InvITs are discusses with respect to their conceptual framework, origin, objectives, structure, procedure of delisting of companies as InvIT and advantages and disadvantages of investing in InvITs. The paper further analyses the development of REITs and InvITs in India, with specific reference to the SEBI Regulations for both REITs and InvITs and the subsequent amendments to the regulations that have taken place over the course of years. Then, the paper considers the importance and relevance of REITs and InvITs in India and their potential and growth opportunities. Lastly, the paper gives a brief comparative perspective with respect to implementation of REITs and InvITs in foreign jurisdictions.