Prithviraj Singh Bayas, Symbiosis Law School, Pune
This paper comprehensively analyzes the international legal systems that govern drone strikes on specific individuals. This paper argues that a drone attack cannot be considered legitimate unless it complies with all relevant global legal procedures, including the law governing the use of force (ius ad bellum), international humanitarian law, and international human rights law. As international humanitarian law and human rights law are due to persons, one State cannot agree to the breach of these commitments by another State, even if a drone attack is legitimate under the ius ad bellum. The paper examines the significant judicial difficulties of using armed drones under the three legal systems. The legality of using force by states against non-state actors in other countries is analyzed. In this section, we will look at the justifications for targeted murders overseas based on the concepts of self- defense and consent. The essay then discusses primary debates about how international humanitarian law should apply to drone attacks. It looks at what constitutes a non-international armed war, whether or not a worldwide non- international armed conflict is possible, and who may be the intended victims of such a conflict.
Keywords: International Law, Drones, International Humanitarian Law, Drone Warfare, International Crimes, War Crimes.