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Qualifications And Disqualifications For Membership Of Parliament

Bisweswar Bhowmick, Symbiosis Law School, Nagpur


The authors of this paper through their views tried to look into the intricacies of the qualification and disqualification of the members of the parliament. The authors wanted to achieve through this paper the qualification a person should need to become a member of the parliament. The paper also focuses upon the aspects that members of the parliament can be disqualified if they have criminal charges against them or have been convicted. The paper deciphered the usual reason for disqualification, that is the holding of an office of profit under the state or the central government and tried to explore all its spheres. The paper concentrates on and tries to reach a conclusion on what should be a minimum qualification for a person to be a member of parliament and whether it is an essential requirement. In all the context of disqualification in the context of Indian parliament has been compared to the grounds of disqualification in accord to the United Kingdom parliament. The very essence of this comparison is to map the difference between grounds of disqualification of a member from the parliament in a codified and uncodified constitution.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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