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Protracted Judicature Of The Criminal Justice System In India: Initiatives Pledged By The Government Of India For Nonautomated Justice

Isha Purshottam Parmar, MVP Samaj's Law College, Nashik


The Criminal Justice System in India amounts to all the mechanisms established by the government to maintain law and order within the nation. This includes the prevention of crime, the prosecution of offenders, the provision of compensation and rehabilitation for victims, the upholding of the rule of law, and the deterrence of future criminal activity. The primary objective of the Criminal Justice System is to ensure justice throughout the country.

The Criminal Justice System is a mechanism for controlling behavior that is considered harmful or destructive by society. It is made up of all the agencies that work together to maintain law and order in the country and punish criminals in order to prevent crimes. The Criminal Justice System is distinct from other forms of social control, such as family, educational institutions, and religious places, which mainly promote moral control. The Criminal Justice System is the only means of achieving crime control and ensuring justice by punishing criminals. In addition to punishing criminals, the Criminal Justice System also protects the rights and liberties of people and involves a range of activities such as maintaining the rule of law, preventing crime, adjudicating crimes and criminals, compensating and rehabilitating victims, and deterring offenders from committing crimes in the future. The Criminal Justice System also encompasses various laws and legislation, including the Indian Penal Code of 1860, the Code of Civil Procedure of 1908, the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1974, the Protection of Civil Rights Act of 1955, and others.

The primary objectives of India's Criminal Justice System encompass the agencies responsible for adjudicating criminal activity, enforcing the law, and correcting the behavior of offenders. This system serves as a mechanism for social control in the country. Society views certain behaviors as detrimental and aims to deter such actions by apprehending and punishing violators.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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