Akshita. B.N & Mr. A. Sivanandam, B.A. M.L, PGDC in C.F&I.S, Assistant Professor, Saveetha School of Law, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences (SIMATS)
Prison health is the major concern as the Indian prisons are overcrowded and these are contagious diseases that can spread easily. The need for prison health has increased as it reduces bullying and depression and other issues relating to the inmate. The lack of prison health clearly violates Article 21 of the Indian Constitution that guarantees healthcare of an individual. Cases such as Sunil Batra v. The Delhi administration, the Supreme Court clearly held that the healthcare of an individual is very necessary. International laws such as UDHR, ICCPR UNHRC etc. also ensure that the rights of prisoners are guaranteed and are being enforced properly. This paper focuses on the objective as to identify the policies to maintain the health of prisoners. Convenient sampling method is used to collect the samples. 200 samples- sample size. Independent variables are age, gender, education and occupation. It is found that there is a need for a proper renovation of the prisons and also ensure that the inmates are not being bullied therefore there is a whole new necessity of a new policy. Finally, this paper analyses, suggests and concludes that open prisons are very necessary to reduce the stress of a prisoner and there is a need for a tie-up between the medical professionals and the prison authorities.
Keywords: Prison, Health, International laws, National practices, Open prison.