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Patenting Of Plant Genetics In India

Priti Chaudhari, PhD, Research Scholar, SSOL, Sharda University, G. Noida, UP, India

Dr Sanskriti Mishra, Assistant Professor, SSOL, Sharda University, G. Noida, UP, India


The increasing population on the planet have a direct correlation with growing demand for high levels of productivity in the agricultural industry. By manipulating the plant genomes in a laboratory, genetic engineering and biotechnology have made it possible to create super crops with desired characteristics. These crops can be produced by altering the DNA of crop plants. In order to offer an incentive for research within the agricultural industry, it is vital to have some legal protection - granting patent is one of these strategies. The practice of bestowing monopolies via obtaining patent over plant genetic resources has contributed to the issue of biopiracy. The concept of common heritage and free access made free flow of bio-resources as well as genetic resources and associated knowledge from biodiversity rich countries to technology rich countries. The biotech companies from technology rich countries have acquired several patents on plant genetics only by using the biological resources of developing and/ or impoverished countries, which has rich heritage of biodiversity but not so good in technology. Despite the immense profits that were earned from the utilization of these resources, the origin countries did not get any compensation. The present paper focuses on analysing the legal framework for patenting of plant genetics in India and the steps that have been taken to combat the problem of biopiracy will also be discussed.

Keywords: Plant gene, Patent, Biodiversity, Access and benefit sharing


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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