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Nature Of Conciliation Process And Conciliator’s Duties And Power

Pragnya Paramita Mohanty, SOA National Institute of Law, Bhubaneswar


The judiciary system plays an important role in comparison to executive and legislation to dispose various types of disputes and cases in India. Nowadays Indian judiciary system is flooded with many cases, so generally it takes a decade for a layman for finding proper justice. The word conciliation is not defined in the Arbitration and Conciliation Act. This Arbitration act covers both domestic and international disputes with regard to the conciliation form. In India it has been seen that the use of amicable settlement presented from the historical time.

Arbitration and conciliation are the mechanism of the justice system. These are developed because there are Law efficiency present in our judiciary system, and whether it’s a civil case or criminal case the results and justice are coming behind the schedule. For these complications conciliation and arbitration came into the picture, both the mechanisms are used for resolving the problems, for time-saving and to provide quick resolution to the parties to the dispute.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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