Rahul Sharma, Vivekanand College of Law, Aligarh
Air pollution is widely considered to be one of the most important threats to the life of all human beings in the world. Air is rarely clean since certain gases, such as sulphur dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, carbon monoxide, volcanic and swarm pollutants, wind vapour, plant pollen, etc., are continually applied to the air by a normal cycle. It is no question that advancements in science and technology have given the Public many benefits in terms of developing and increasing the availability of commodities at reasonably fair prices and in fairly large volumes. The rise of technology has also introduced pollution into its path. In India the rate of air pollution is increasing so alarmingly that the level of air pollution in most metropolises is nearly approaching the level of air pollution of highly polluted cities in the developed and industrialised countries. This paper deals with the issues of air contamination made by the development of engine vehicle traffic in the created and creating nations of the world. Air pollution is a significant general medical issue in many urban communities of the creating scene. Pollution levels in megacities, for example, Bangkok, Cairo, Delhi and Mexico City surpass those in any city in the industrialized nations.
Keywords: Pollution, Technology, Air, Threat.