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Misuse Of Parole In India: Critical Analysis

Amandeep Malik & Arun Pratap Singh, Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University, Visakhapatnam


‘Parole’ means to release a convict from the jail for a short period of time on some conditional basis. Parole helps prisoners in their rehabilitation, social reform, and changing the attitude and mindset. But changing with the time the concept of parole evolved and now parole becomes an easy route for prisoners to escape and misuse of parole has also increased, high profile persons or influential persons granted parole easily and enjoy their life freely. There are many cases which Researcher will explain in this Article, which shows that how prisoners misuse the parole. There is also one more problem that there is not any absolute rule for granting of parole, it solely depends upon the jail authorities to decide whom to release and whom not so here there are chances of discrimination is there where powerful or influential people gets soft hand and other lakhs of people don’t get chances.

So, in this Article, researcher will also discuss this above-mentioned problem also. In this Article, researcher will discuss the meaning of parole, and concept of parole in India, then Researcher will discuss about the misuse of parole and at last Researcher will explain the guidelines which prevent misuse and the constitutional provisions which prevent discrimination.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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