Rashmi Tiwari, New Law College, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune
Anxiety, fear, stress, panic, aggressions are normal responses when we are put in an uncertain event. At this time of pandemic each individual throughout the world is being informed about the physical consequences of CORONAVIRUS infection (sars cov 2) however the impact of corona virus on ones mental health has not been taken into much of a consideration. Along with the covid-19 pandemic the economic recession has pushed many people out of job exposing them to experience situations like isolation, depression, low self esteem, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, increase in alcohol consumption and substance abuse. Throughout the world people can be seen helpless, dying, crying, fighting, and grieving. The grief does not seem to end. It is no longer geographical it has surpassed all the boundaries. The formation of new laws relating to mental health is needed the most in INDIA right now as the law in present focuses on the mental illness of a person and judges the competence of a mentally ill person committing a crime. The focus is more on the custody of a person than the care of a person. According to World Health Organization, mental health is a state of well being in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.