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Mediation and Its Implication: With Reference to Family Disputes

Varshita Girish

Varshita Girish, Christ Academy Institute of Law, Bangalore


In countries like India, there are numerous cases pending before the court which are yet to be decided. There are various mechanisms to resolve disputes like mediation ,arbitration ,conciliation ,negotiation which are called alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. In modern times, mediation has gained importance as cases can be settled effectively and it reduces burden on the courts which already have piles of cases pending. They resolve disputes without the intervention of court. They help in settling disputes by taking into consideration the mutual consent of both the parties and in maintaining the privacy of the parties. This is favourable especially in family matters like divorce, custody etc. Mediation is the most effective alternative dispute resolution and works the best when both parties are ready to resolve the dispute and willing to communicate and arrive at mutual decision. Even in the situation of pandemic, mediation has proved to be an effective method of dispute resolution. In this paper we will understand the meaning of mediation and its implication on family disputes.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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