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Marital Rape – A Threat To Human Society Endangering Womanhood

Swarnajit Das, Bengal Law College, Santiniketan, West Bengal


Marital Rape is a general concept and absolutely common in human civilization since time immemorial. The basic reason behind this can be the prevalence and the impact of a fake patriarchal society where it is found that a man treats her female counterpart as a slave and owns her like property inherited from his ancestor. The continuance of this unethical, illogical and inhuman practice has put the life of the married women of this so-called civilized society at stake. It clearly indicates that the concept of human rights, fundamental rights, social rights and constitutional rights guaranteed to every citizen irrespective of caste, creed, gender and place of birth are only limited and restricted to a very narrow extent. These concepts absolutely look glamorous in the pages of different books, papers and magazines but when it comes to the floor test, it is no doubt zero and blank as far as this heinous and barbarous act of ‘Spouse Rape’ is concerned. Thus, human civilization for the sake of protection of humanity must come forward to destroy and diminish this social evil.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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