Ramanpreet Kaur & Mrs. Mandeep Kaur
“Feminism says: men are innately violent toward women......
The facts say: woman commit more than twice as much unprovoked domestic
violence against men as men commit against women....
The facts are hard to hear when you are drowning in paranoid lies....” said
by the Naff Nafish.
According to the studies of the World Health Organization prevalence rates of 3.4% to 20.3% for domestic physical violence against men. There was an era when only women suffers from domestic violence and men held responsible for that. But, in nowadays there are various men also, who suffer from domestic violence as well as cruelty. They suffers from emotional trauma, verbal or physical abuse or sexual abuse etc. They do not report the issue because in our country laws are in favour of women. There is also traditional culture that men cannot be offended because they are stronger than women. In recent times, it has come up that many women misuse the Acts and laws that are meant to protect them and in turn, the men are left being on the receiving end. It, therefore becomes important that we don’t forget about the protection of one gender while concentrating too much about the protection of another.
As the case of domestic violence is still low against men and mostly laws are in favour of women, the findings lead that mostly women laid down the trap of victim but they are the real perpetrators or accused to the men of domestic violence.