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Maintenance And Welfare Of Parents And Senior Citizens (Amendment) Act, 2019 In Protecting The Right

Maintenance And Welfare Of Parents And Senior Citizens (Amendment) Act, 2019 In Protecting The Rights Of Older People In India

Ria Lakhwani, Bharti Vidyapeeth New Law College, Pune


All living things have the fundamental desire to live a long life. In traditional Indian culture, elders have a high status and are revered as a sign of respect. The nuclear family structure, modernization, industrialization, population growth, globalisation, rising unemployment, and poverty, among other factors, have all presented economic, social, and political challenges to the elderly. Violence on a physical, physiological, emotional, and financial level, as well as a lack of support, make matters worse. Has a parent dedicated his entire life to this? In order to reaffirm the commitment to ensuring the well- being of the elderly, the National Policy on Older Persons was released in January 1999. Thus, the rising issues faced by parents and senior citizens in India are of concern, and research into issues affecting senior citizens is urgently needed. To make known which safeguarding laws and penal provisions were created to offer social protection to elderly parents. And what legal changes would be necessary to strengthen Indian cultural roots? And how successful has the legal system been in upholding and promoting the right of this vulnerable population, namely senior citizens and parents in their later years, to live in dignity?

Keywords: Maintenance and welfare, senior citizens, social and cultural rights, improvisation, amendment bill.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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