Vijay Kumar & Vikas Yadav, GLA university
Intellectual Property Rights, which has gained a lot of importance and recognition in the recent times. It includes Copyright, trademark, geographical indication, patent and industrial design. It protects the right of the original proprietor from being infringed and misused by the third parties or unauthorized users. These all are the outcome of creation of an individual.
In this research article we are going to discuss about the “live streaming and broadcasting rights under copyright”, copyright derivate of IPR deals with this topic. This concept of live streaming and broadcasting is not a new concept in India as it started in the days when live broadcasting of cricket begun. But with the passage of time the dynamics of this concept have changed considerably as the live streaming is not only limited to conventional platform i.e. T.V but now has shifted toward OTT platforms making this concept very broad for its utilization.
Here it is also dealt that with the change in live streaming platforms another problem of piracy arises which could be disadvantageous to the broadcasters. And the researcher in this article tries to present a detailed view on the rights of the broadcasting organizations in relation with the constitutional aspects of it.