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Live-In Relationship In India: A Critical Analysis

Jolly Singh, B.A.LL.B (Hons.), Law College Dehradun, faculty of Uttaranchal University


In the conventional world, in Indian society it is a question of concern and taboo whereas if we go back to the traditional aspects the concept of “Mitru Sambandh and Gandharv Vivah” were very much celebrated and prevalent and as per some scholars it also proved to be economical and worked like a weapon against capitalism thereby maintaining a level of satisfaction in society and no course of show and pompus with respect to the person you will be sharing the bed with from next day onwards after ofcourse “THE WEDLOCK”.

The concept of wedlock had been prevalent in the society only for safe sex. Let’s look back to the society when we were hunters and gatherers. In that case there had been no institution of marriage as such. People were to have relations with anyone. Ergo we can say it is developed concept which humans have developed and transformed it in a rigid manner for the sake of their benefit show dominance, because to be able to have a word in society u need to be rich popular or dead but to dominate a child and shape his nature to be dominated by the people of age is much more easier to present a hold. Let us face it that even if we eradicate live in from society there will be pregnancy out of wedlock. Furthermore with the “LGBTQ” prevailing in society sharing rooms with same sex should also be a taboo. And with the increasing prices having rooms to share seems to be a convenient option with any sex for we should think of a situation in which the girls living together came out to be homosexual vis-à-vis boys.

So why is this objectionable with opposite sex, well to that we feel unwanted pregnancy is an answer and child is the reason. Well here in this article such questions have been discussed below and a purview with respect to other nations, religion have been portrayed as well and we have further tried to pour light on the negative aspects of live-in-relationships, in an Attempt to broaden readers’ horizons and bridge the gap between the debauched youth and conservative elderly.

Keywords: illegitimacy of child, live-in relationship, marriage, maintenance, compatibility of partners.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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