Shazia Yousuf, Symbiosis Internation Deemed University
Prostitution is a partially legal occupation carried on by men, women, and transgender people in which they render sex services in return for some consideration(money) in India. The people who cause such services are called prostitutes. Generally, people get involved in this industry due to their poor financial conditions. Although prostitution is partially legal and they can enjoy the right to life, they get humiliated, abused, and discriminated against in various aspects like health, education, and employment. The present prostitutional laws prevalent in India have limitations as they do not clarify whether prostitution is legal or illegal. Fully legalization of prostitution in India will protect sex workers from sexual assault and help the country increase its national income. The sex industry is one of the most occurring industries in India. Thus, full legalization of prostitution will reduce rapes, child or women trafficking to a great extent, thus benefitting society.