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Legal Rounds Ahead: The Future Of Sports Law

Anurag Chauhan, Navneet Gandhi & Rishav Kumar, Chanakya National Law University, Patna


All the laws, domestic or international, are made on certain principles and dynamics. The principles that guide law making have various facets, but few of them such as equality, liberty, and justice remain auspice in every development of law. It took us ages to reform ourselves into an egalitarian society that values its individual, unfortunately certain aspects get ignored, and sports law development is probably one of them. While law protects the rights of every individual, seldom do we talk about the rights of sportspersons. A peruse of the present legal framework enunciates its silence on the fundamental rights of sportspersons such as privacy, free speech, movement, etc. Even the world’s strongest democracy, the U.S.A., where free speech is absolute is struggling to recognise its availability to the athletes as the present NCAA framework restricts the rights. Moreover, sports law has also failed to keep pace with the development of the egalitarian laws, and the gender disparity is conspicuous even after the waves of feminism. The contractual justice which revolves around equality, and liberty is also farfetched. The authors aim to delineate the need to reform the current lex sportiva and suggest possible legal recourse that might help in shaping better sports laws which, at the moment, is due since ages.

Keywords: Privacy, Equal Rights, Racism, Broadcasting.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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