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Legal Aspects Of Real Estate Investment Trusts

Vaishnavi Sarraff & Suzanne Siddiqui, Symbiosis Law School, Nagpur


This article deals with the deep analysis of various subjects regarding Real estate. It gives a description of the definition of REITs and how they work. The evolution of REITs is being described as well as the pros that REITs provide towards the economy. The current study examines the various literature reviews and the risks pertaining to Real estate by studying the content. The study also covers the detailed meaning of the variables contained in the topic and respectively different chapters have been made. The article emphasizes the main research objectives which are to determine laws pertaining to REITs and whether investing in real state is a boon or bane for the society and for the investors. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the regulatory authority overseeing the country's securities market, has actively pursued the development of innovative financing models in recent years. However, its initial attempt to introduce REITs in 2007 did not reach completion. Likewise, SEBI's second effort in 2008 to establish a REIT regime in the form of REMFs also encountered challenges due to a lack of investor interest. This paper examines the proposed REIT regulations, identifies their limitations, and suggests strategies to attract more investors to this innovative financial instrument. The aim is to foster rapid and sustained growth in India's housing and real estate sector, thereby contributing to the overall economic development of the nation. Further, the topic covers the other research question regarding the growth of housing and real estate industries in India. The two main objective questions are being dwelled into and researched thoroughly. Various literature has been looked into and deciphered the problems pertaining to real estate, the problems are further been considered and studied and on the basis of problems the objective of the study is made. After refereeing to various sources and tackling the problem in the literature review, a conclusion is derived from the overall study and on the basis of precedents and the research suggestions are made which can be considered as an essential element in the future research on REITs.

Keywords: Real estate, REITs, SEBI, investment assets


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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