Sneha Johny Chiramel, Sabarmati University
Justice is the quality of being just, fair and impartial. It has many deep interpretations all of which encompass the quality of being righteous, equitable and morally upstanding. It is the quality of protecting the vulnerable and ensuring their rights are protected and equitable treatment is given to one and all. In the spheres of law and politics, it continues to be one of the most crucial and hotly contested ideas.Thus the concept of justice means that all parties behave in a way that is fair , equal and balanced for everyone considering the best interests of all the parties.
Globalization on the other hand is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies and governments worldwide. This increased interaction has been made possible in the last decade through the immense technological developments which have made international travel, transport of goods and communications extremely fast and facile. This increase in contact has led to a consequential growth in international trade and exchange of ideas, beliefs and cultures.Globalisation is primarily an economic process of integration that is associated with social and cultural aspects. This increased economic interaction entails trade in goods, services, data, technology and economic resources of capital.This has led to numerous deliberations and agreements to further uncomplicate trade. As a result ,many trade barriers have been removed leading to the formation of a global market. The idea that a global market will be beneficial to all countries is the driving force behind globalization.