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Judicial Trends In The Area Of Human Rights

Tarishi Agrawal, LL.M. (Constitutional Law), Maharashtra National Law University, Aurangabad


Every country's judiciary has a commitment and a constitutional role to defend citizens' human rights. This function is delegated to the superior judiciary, namely the Supreme Court of India and the High Courts, by the Constitution of India. The Supreme Court of India is one of the most active tribunals in the world when it comes to human rights protection. It has a strong reputation for independence and trustworthiness. Through this paper, the author will be reflecting the difference between fundamental rights and human rights and what are these human rights available to the people and their genesis. The author has confined the scope of research to four specific sects of the society which include, women, children, downtrodden classes and prisoners. Also, the core focus of the author lies to determine the various bodies which exist for safeguarding these human rights and what are the setbacks faced despite the availability of redressal mechanism. Lastly, the author has provided certain recommendations to do away with the setbacks.

Keywords: Cases, Human rights, International Covenants, Redressal, Setback, Recommendations.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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