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Judicial Response And Role Of Non- Governmental Organizations In Combating Trafficking

Judicial Response And Role Of Non- Governmental Organizations In Combating Trafficking Of Women And Children

Mr. Gabriel Karthick K, Assistant Professor, Department of English (SFS), Madras Christian College (Autonomous), Tambaram, Tamil Nadu

Dr. B.S.Selvakumar, Assistant. Professor & HOD, Department of Political Science, Voorhees College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu


Women and children have been subjected to all sorts of exploitations like assaults, molestation, trafficked for domestic servitude, organ transplantation, beggary, and prostitution, bonded or forced labour. Among these, trafficking has been considered as the most serious challenge across the world. Despite various international and national laws enacted to tackle the problem of trafficking it still continues to remain a threat to women and children. The criminal act of trafficking women and children, a habitual offence of notorious criminals and abusers has recently become a global concern as the number of women and children trafficked is growing at an alarming rate and every country has been affected in one way or the other as origin, transit or destination place for trafficking activities. The objective of the research is to elaborately study the judicial response of independent India to the crime that existed for centuries and also the role of NGOs in tackling the issue of trafficking.

Keywords: Trafficking, Women and Children, Laws, Labour, NGOs, Human Rights, etc.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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