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IPR And Digital Environment In India: Recent Trends And Challenges

Mahantesh G S, Assistant Professor of Law, Alliance University, Bangalore, Karnataka


Every human being possesses intelligence, however, to varied degrees. Each person has a special talent. New types of property that are the result of human intelligence and endeavour have emerged as a result of the knowledge society that has replaced agricultural and industrial societies. How individuals think, communicate, and share knowledge has altered as a result of revolutionary advancements in information and communication technologies. The use of effort, talent, and judgment by an author, artist, or another creator in the creation of an original work is protected by copyright. It is a special type of intellectual property, and its significance is increasing daily.

Controlling the internet circulation of copyrighted content is one of the largest problems brought on by digital technology. Therefore, it might be difficult to find and prosecute online intellectual property rights violators. Furthermore, there is growing worried around the development and protection of intellectual property using cutting-edge technology like blockchain and artificial intelligence.

Intellectual property law is significantly impacted by digital technology, particularly in the fields of copyright, trademark, and patent law. Digital material is easily copied and distributed online, which has resulted in widespread intellectual property rights violations.

This research work mainly focuses on IPR and digital technology-related issues and some of how intellectual property law is adapting to the impact of digital technology.

Keywords: Intellectual Property Rights, Digital Society, Library, Digital Environment, Information and Communication Technology.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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