Augustine Amoako, PhD Candidate in Dept. of Police Practice, College of Law, University of South Africa
Lekubu Benard Khotso, Senior Lecturer in Police Science, College of Law, University of South Africa
Mabusela Oupa, Senior Lecturer in Criminal Law, College of Law, University of South Africa
The widespread of virtual criminal activities has cause changes and brought about a need for new investigative skills, laws and enforcement procedures to attack these obstacles. In view of the fact that virtual technological crimes committed through the information superhighway or the internet is evolving very rapidly, efficacious enforcement of virtual crime is becoming extremely challenging. Virtual crime is both national and international issues and local legislations alone cannot be able to combat the menace. It requires stringent laws, skilled personal, well established institutions, and transnational response. The aim of this research is to give a rudiments overview of virtual crimes investigation against persons and the response of the legal fraternity to these crimes. It is importance for law enforcement agencies, especially the computer crimes units or the cybercrime units to have an in-depth understanding and establish the various types of virtual crimes against persons and the differences between them as well as the legal response to them, because the legal issues and criminalization of virtual crimes is an absolutely necessary for law enforcement personnel such as the police and the army to response and build effective technique and procedural investigative methods at local, national and international levels.
Keywords: virtual crime, internet, investigations, persons, law, legislation, enforcement