Dr. Seema Surendran, Professor, CMR School of Legal Studies, CMR University, Bengaluru
Sushmitha K, LLM, CMR School of Legal Studies, CMR University, Bengaluru
In the modern globalizing world, the aviation industry has played a key role by transporting the passengers as well as the cargo throughout the world. International trade and international transportation are interlinked since transportation provides a foundation to such activity which helps in moving goods and services across the boundaries. International transportation provides physical as well as legal function in trading internationally for both the buyers as well as the sellers of different countries which is possible through the aviation industry, through air carriers.
The Montreal Convention 1999 establishes compensatory regime in respect of passenger’s death or injury. It also provides a simplified liability regime for passengers and air cargo. It’s designed to replace the earlier Warsaw Conventions. This paper focuses on the liabilities of the international air carrier along with the related conventions.
Keywords: Aviation, passengers, Warsaw, Montreal Convention, Air carriage