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International Enforcement Of Human Rights: Potency And Strategies

Mohammad Rasikh Wasiq, LLM (International Law) ILS Law College, Pune


Humans have the same dignity and rights as other creatures from the moment they are born. They have reason and conscience, and they should treat each other with brotherly affection." At their most fundamental level, human rights are a product of democracy. In general, humanity's fight against authoritarianism and injustice has been lengthy and unending. Throughout history, tyranny has taken on many different forms and strategies. Man has sought to secure his rights several times; occasionally he has failed horribly, and the assault on human rights continues. Man's struggle against oppression is analogous. The true notion of human rights and its enforcement began to take shape in the west during this age only during the Renaissance and the industrialization process. The Treaty Bodies associated with the current seven active treaties, as well as the Human Rights Council complaints procedures, are examples of them. It is the role of the Nation-State to enforce international human rights law, and it is the State's primary responsibility to make human rights a reality. Many human rights are difficult to enforce legally in practice due to a lack of consensus on how to apply them, as well as a lack of relevant national legislation or agencies with the authority to take legal action to enforce them. This study aims to address the numerous dimensions of human rights protection, including its legal, social, political, and economic aspects.

Keywords: Human Rights, International Human Rights, International law enforcement


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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