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Integration Of Sustainability Into Corporate Social Responsibility And The Fashion Industry: A Case

Integration Of Sustainability Into Corporate Social Responsibility And The Fashion Industry: A Case Study On H&M

Shweta Nimwal, NALSAR University of Law

Ekta Nimwal, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi

Korra Anand Nayak, NALSAR University of Law


Sustainability has gained traction in recent decades, and the fashion business is one of the most polluting industries on the globe. The purpose of this paper is to exhibit the implication of sustainability assimilation in the fashion business. The findings will show the importance of sustainability in the fashion sector, The goal of this study is to examine the CSR and Corporate Sustainability approaches to sustainability and to explain how the fashion industry integrates sustainability How is sustainability integrated with the fashion industry is the study problem of this paper.

The authors chose to do content analysis and conduct a case analysis on the H&M in order to answer the study problem. The researchers will be able to grasp how the fashion retail business is incorporating sustainability by relating the results of the analyses and hence will be able to answer my research questions.

The authors of this paper reviews the interaction/integration of CSR and CS. The authors in this paper analyses the integration of these strategies in the fashion industry and how companies inculcate such ideas into their core business ideas. The reason why the fashion industry is selected to analyze the integration of CSR and CS is that the fashion industry is one major industry that contributes to pollution. The authors in this paper selected the brand H &M and analyzed how the business strategy is working with respect to CSR and CS and their integration into this company.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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