Impact Of Corporate Governance On The Stock Market Of Indian Businesses: With Special Reference To Tata Group And Infosys Limited
Kruttika Krushnanjana, Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad
The history of implementation of adequate corporate governance that helped Indian enterprises in increasing their benefits in the capital market is a revolution in itself. This can be underlined by evaluating the practices adapted by two majorly celebrated and thriving associations - Infosys Limited and Tata Group. These two major corporates that lead the corporate world in India, are frequently observed as good examples by growing business visionaries, are likewise applauded to for their corporate governance rehearses. Overall, most driving corporates in India maintain and follow rules and guidelines, and if their governance rehearses/practices are put to test, they will probably stand the scrutiny of the law. Nonetheless, in the event that one dives further, one could find that while the stated aim of the law may have been conformed to, the soul of these rules has not really been grasped wholeheartedly. The board room tussle at Infosys Ltd. and even at Tata Group pushed SEBI to make some move to reinforce the governance rules in India. With the point of improving norms of corporate administration of recorded organizations in India, a council under the chairmanship of Mr. Uday Kotak was shaped in June 2017 and introduced its report on 5 October 2017. The advisory group made the accompanying proposals to improve the condition of the framework of governance in Indian corporations (Securities Exchange Board of India, 2017).
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Infosys, Capital Markets, TATA group, SEBI